Health Reports

COVID-19 and you

Declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020, COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll in deaths and disrupted our daily lives. Public authorities continue to adapt to its evolution and your medical specialists are dedicated to the ongoing reorganization of Quebec's health care system to ensure you have the best possible access to care.

Stay informed and follow your doctor's advice

Stay up to date with the latest information. Follow the advice of your doctor, national and local health authorities or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. 

Why should I do this? National and local authorities have the most up-to-date information on the spread of COVID-19 in your area. They are the best people to tell you how to protect yourself.

Government of Quebec information website
The vaccine explained

The vaccination campaign has begun in Quebec. While it can take years to create a new vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine was developed in a very short period of time, which raises many questions for some people. Is it safe? Is it effective? Our medical specialists answer.

Learn more (in French only)

Taking care of your health despite the pandemic

Do not hesitate to consult

Although Quebec hospitals had to delay many medical activities in  preparation to receive people who may have contracted the coronavirus, critical care never stopped being provided. If you have a health problem of any kind, go to the emergency room. Your doctors are there for you.

Encourage remote consultation

Several medical appointments can be made remotely, by phone or by teleconsultation. Discuss this when you make an appointment. If you absolutely must be there, wear a mask and respect the sanitary measures in place. They are there for your safety and health, as well as that of other patients and healthcare professionals.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

The uncertain threat posed by the COVID pandemic and social distancing guidelines can be a significant source of stress. Dr. Karine Igartua, President of the Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec, offers some advice on how to maintain healthy lifestyle habits in this particular context.

(Video in French only)
Dre Ariane Clairoux, anesthésiologiste
Waiting list reduced to zero: a feat in the midst of a pandemic

Using her knowledge of regional anesthesiology, Dr. Ariane Clairoux helped bring the list of women waiting for a mastectomy at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital down to zero. This was in the spring of 2020, however, in the midst of the first wave of COVID-19. This feat could serve as a model for post-pandemic surgical catch-up.

Discover her story (in French only)
Starting medical practice in the midst of a pandemic

Throughout their studies, future medical specialists imagine what their professional lives will be like when they finally graduate. No one, however, had envisioned that a pandemic could be part of the equation.

Starting medical practice in the midst of a pandemic brings its own set of challenges. Find out how some of our young medical specialists experienced the first wave of COVID-19 and how they anticipated the second.

Read their stories (in French only)
CHSLD Herron: a geriatrician at the heart of the storm

In April 2020, the media revealed the worst of the horror stories: at the chsld herron in dorval, the number of deaths related to covid-19 was skyrocketing and the living conditions of the residents were pitiful. Shaken, the young geriatrician dr. Julia chabot quickly volunteered to try to save our seniors, those she calls the builders of quebec. 

Discover her story (in French only)
Lessons to be learned from major pandemics

The largest pandemic in the last 100 years, COVID-19 shook the population. Since humanity has faced this type of crisis more than once, can we still learn from it? Meeting with historian Laurent Turcot.

Read more (in French only)